
Become Our Volunteer

There are many ways you can help ACCF, one of which being a volunteer. 

If you are looking for something to make a substantial difference in the world, this is the project!

You can directly impact the lives of 220 children by teaching English or Mandarin at ACCF, and helping us with social media. 

FAQ Volunteers

Our Volunteers

Jay Dicaire

Jay Dicaire

Volunteer - Boss

Ariel Zhang

Ariel Zhang

Volunteer - Mandarin, English and Social Media

Scott Lawrence

Scott Lawrence

Supporter and Volunteer teacher.

Julie Svay

Julie Svay

Volunteer - Psychological

Patricia Oliveira

Patricia Oliveira

Volunteer- English

Paula Stamps Davis

Paula Stamps Davis

Volunteer - English


Steong village, Prasat Bakong commune, Bakong District, Siem Reap

+(855) 93803391

+(855) 11 733 839


We are a nonprofit organization in Siem Reap Cambodia.

© 2023-2024 Association of Cambodia Child First All Rights Reserved.

Power By: Tecgos Cambodia