
Study material Project !

Study Materials is the only key to cover their education. Without your support, our students will meet the huge issue !!!

The focus of Association of Cambodia Child First is ‘free education for all’ as the founder recognizes the vital role education plays in helping break the cycle of poverty. Most families in Stoeng,  Taphouk and Kouk Trach villages cannot afford study tools as many children are needed at school to attend their study. 

Each student at ACCF center will receive ; 

- 10 notebooks
- 4 red and blue pens
- 2 of pencil and rulers
- 1 eraser
- 1 pencil case
- 12 colors
- 1 school book
- 1 board with one marker 

The ACCF offers free education to all, providing uniforms, school bags and all resources necessary for their education.

The school consists of four classrooms of around 220 children who are enrolled in classes that are open every day with the support of six teachers. Our English and Chinese teachers each conduct English and Chinese classes of about 1 hour per group.

The average low-income Cambodian household earns somewhere between $50 to $70 USD a month. So they can't offer the study tools to their children at all. Even Though parents know that education is the important to fight poverty, other priorities such as food and shelter take precedence and education often comes third.

Since the town of Siem Reap is a major tourist destination attracting almost the million visitors every year, proficiency in English and Chinese will increase the students’ opportunities for employment. There are some major roadblocks to receiving a good education: few government schools provide good education service and private schools charge high fees which most Cambodian families are unable to afford. Your helpful donation to Association of Cambodia Child First will back the school in providing an English and Chinese education in special !!! 

Our budget will cover all items below :
-        2500 notebooks

-         220 pencil cases

-        220 pencils

-        880 red and blue pens

-        220 boxes of colure (in each box has 12 colors of pencils)  

-        220 school books

-        220 students’ boards with 220 markers
-        220 rulers

-        2500 of notebooks cover 

-        220 pencil drills

-        220 Erasers.

-        120 boxes of marker Ink for our teachers monthly.

-        12 markers for our teachers. 

Without your donation, our project won't be able to happen !!!



Steong village, Prasat Bakong commune, Bakong District, Siem Reap

+(855) 93803391

+(855) 11 733 839


We are a nonprofit organization in Siem Reap Cambodia.

© 2023-2024 Association of Cambodia Child First All Rights Reserved.

Power By: Tecgos Cambodia